This is a plain english ToS.
## Content Ownership
All content on this Web site is copyright by Jon Stacey, unless otherwise noted, with the exception of comments. You are granted fair use rights on the content. Proper attribution and citation is proper etiquette, and I greatly appreciate your effort to properly cite.
The text (i.e. body or content) of comments remain under the ownership of its original author. Upon comment submission, publication rights of the comment on this Web site are transferred to me. Additionally, upon comment submission, editing rights on this Web site are transferred to me. This transferred right may not be withdrawn. I have full control over when, if, where, and in what form the comment will appear on this Web site indefinitely. However, the comment author still retains ownership over the original text of the comment elsewhere.
**I am not responsible** for the comments made by others, and am under no obligation to police or censor comments.
**I reserve the right** to do with the Web site as I wish. This may include arbitrarily blocking users, showing advertisements, changing this Terms of Service without notice, etc.
**I am not responsible** for your use of this Web site. You use this service at your own risk. The Web site is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. There are no warranties of any kind.
**I am not liable** for any damages which might result from the use [or inability] to use this Web site.
**Your continued use of this Web site** constitutes agreement to this Terms of Service, and it may change at any time without notice.