I received some great feedback from users of iScripture.org, the iPhone webapp that I released last week. And so I had another weekend of obsession implementing some new features that were suggested and fixing bugs.
iScripture.org Version 2.0 was rolled out this morning and includes these new feature:
- The ability to set your preferred Bible version. You can now choose the NIV, KJV, or ASV.
- Added ability to change font size of search results
- Improved display of passage lookups
- Implied boolean logic
There were also a couple bug fixes:
- Boolean searches should now be working
- Improved error handling if search string is empty
How do I go about downloading this for my iPod Touch? I saw nothing on these pages that says “Download” or “link” etc. Sorry about being such a newbie with this. Somehow a note on the KJV came to my email. I really wanted the NIV and marked that as my preference. Is that all I do – then open my email and sync it to my Touch? I hope so. Thanks
PEACE and JOY! Paul