Tonight I have been burning the late night early morning oil (3:14) as usual on various projects and listening to good ole’ The Association but I thought I should take some time to update you guys on what’s going on and why things have been rather bleak lately…
Free Wall Street Journal Online Access
One of my classes last year required us to get a Wall Street Journal subscription and write reports on certain articles. As a result, I came to enjoy the paper immensely. My enjoyment did not extend towards paying the student rate of $30 every 15 weeks though. I recently discovered that the Wall Street Journal…
How To: Setup a Dedicated Proxy Server for a Nintendo Wii
This is sort of a continuation of my previous post about getting around a college firewall but with the intent of getting the Nintendo Wii online. The Wii expects a regular HTTP proxy, so the SOCKS based one that I used for my YouTube fix won’t work. I chose the easiest solution based on the…
Kernel Panics With New Crucial RAM
I never have had much luck with RAM. It seems for all of the computers I have built I would always get at least one bad stick in every batch and this one was no different. After installing the new 4GB of Crucial RAM last week I started getting kernel panics. One of the most…